Gulai Kale (Boerenkool). Resep Gulai Sayur Kale seperti apa rasanya? Ya kayak judulnya ituuuu.seperti daun singkong yang digulai! This kale hash recipe is a hearty and healthy way to get kale on the dinner table.
Boerenkool is natuurlijk vooral bekend van de stamppot, maar je kunt met deze donkergroene krulkool nog meer kanten op.
Gulai is a type of food containing rich, spicy and succulent curry-like sauce commonly found in Sumatra, Indonesia.
The main ingredients might be poultry, goat meat, beef, mutton.
Kamu bisa masak Gulai Kale (Boerenkool) menggunakan bahan-bahan 15 dan langkah-langkah 3. Berikut cara membuatnya.
Bahan-bahan Gulai Kale (Boerenkool)
- Daun Kale.
- Santan instan bubuk (1 bungkus).
- Air (kurleb 1 liter).
- Lengkuas (2 ruas jari).
- Sereh (1 batang).
- Teri nasi (optional).
- Bumbu halus.
- Bawang merah (5 siung).
- Bawang putih (1-2 siung).
- Ketumbar (secukupnya).
- Kunyit (secukupnya).
- Kemiri (1 buah).
- Cabe (kl suka agak pedas).
- Minyak sayur (2 sdm).
- Garam.
Try this Kale Hash-(Boerenkool)- Netherlands recipe, or contribute your own. Boerenkool Stamppot is a Dutch dish of mashed potatoes ("stomped pot") mixed with kale. There are sometimes other vegetables mixed into Stamppot, like sauerkraut or endive, but as the Dutch say. It looks like it froze for the first time last night.
Langkah-langkah Gulai Kale (Boerenkool)
- Blender bumbu halus lalu tumis. Masukkan sereh dan lengkuas yg sudah digeprek..
- Setelah bumbu mulai harum, masukkan air dan santan hingga teraduk rata. Aduk2 terus hingga mendidih agar santan tidak pecah..
- Kemudian masukkan daun kale dan teri nasi. Masak beberapa menit dan pastikan tekstur daun kale mulai melunak. Tambahkan garam bila perlu. Angkat dan sajikan dengan nasi putih panas..
Bad news for the garden's summer vegetables, but this is the time that other veggies benefit from cold nights, like kale. Laat dan hieronder jouw meest enthousiaste reactie achter! All this time you people have been talking about kale this kale that without informing me that kale is fucking boerenkool?? Dutch food: kale with smoked sausage or 'Boerenkool met worst'. Photo "Typical dutch dish boerenkool with kale, mashed potatoes.